Thursday, 31 October 2013

Daily Manna: Imminent Judgment. Thursday 31, October 2013

Daily Manna: Imminent Judgment

Thursday 31, October 2013

TEXT: ISAIAH 23:1-18

KEY VERSE: “The LORD of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the honourable of the earth” (Isaiah 23:9).

A Boston shoplifter was caught in a peculiar way. He had stolen a hat in a department store and ran with it to the escalators; but instead of boarding the one going down, in his haste, he took the ascending stairway. He tried hard to run down, but was confronted by the ascending passengers while all the time the steps were rising. Finally, in spite of his frantic efforts, he was borne back to the head of the stairs again, where he found a policeman waiting for him. This is the picture of the difficult ways of sinners. The Bible declares the ways of sinners as hard.

Noah preached to the antediluvian people to come into the ark for salvation but they thought they were smart and wise - animals replaced them in the ark. Lot preached to the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah before the rain of God’s fire came down. But, Lot was like a comedian to the homosexuals there. God mandated Isaiah in this passage to preach to Israel and all her neighbouring countries to repent before Nebuchadnezzar, His “Whip”, was sent to deal with them. They all disregarded the warning of Isaiah. The rest, as they say, is history.

Strangely, sinners are becoming more hardened to the warnings of God. However, if Noah, Lot and Isaiah were faithful to their commission of preaching the goodnews, we cannot be less passionate and enthusiastic about ours. Why not avoid the folly of joining with the multitude to do evil. Instead, align with the few on the strait and narrow way to heaven.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: God’s wrath and indignation surely await the impenitent.

Good Morning!

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