Daily Manna: Danger of Unbelieve
Friday 06, December 2013
KEY VERSE: “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?” (Galatians 4:21).
Many people trifle with the simplicity of faith in Jesus Christ and the extent of the transformation it can bring to their lives.
The same was the case with the Christians in Galatia. They thought that it would take obeying all the Old Testament laws before they could be accepted before God. They had been taught well by Apostle Paul, but no sooner did he leave their province than some new teachers introduced error to the believers. They told the believers that they must obey all the Laws of Moses, else their salvation was not complete. It was left to Apostle Paul to write an epistle debunking the erroneous teachings of the false prophets. In it, he drew attention to the story of the sons born to Abraham: one by a strange woman, a maid; and the other by his wife, explaining that the story was an illustration of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the lofty position of believers in the kingdom of God. While the son of the maid represented the old order which ends in bondage, Isaac, the heir of Abraham, stood for the new order, and the freedom that is found in Christ. Believers today are the children of promise. Born after the Spirit, they should expect persecution from those who live in the flesh. Nevertheless, believers must remain unmoved, knowing that they are free from the curse and condemnation of the law.
Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate price for us all. We should therefore readily accept His salvation by faith, and not seek to please God merely by struggling to keep the Old Testament laws. We are saved, strengthened and sustained in our Christian lives only by faith. God demands nothing more from us than to take Him at His word, trust Him to fulfill all His promises, and follow Him obediently for the rest of our lives.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Faith only is the key to God’s heart.
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